2022: Why I’m NOT a Resolution Maker..

✨Are you a resolution maker?


To be transparent, my mental health can’t handle a list or big changes. I get overwhelmed and then feel defeated when none of it actually happens or gets checked off.
So, instead, I choose a focus!
I choose 1 word or 1 scripture to set my attention on and pray that God guides my steps towards that direction.
I’ve never done this before, but this year, I’m choosing a prayer. This is straight from my soul asking that my perception of life on this side of Heaven aligns with the perception of the One who has given this life to me🤍

“Lord, whatever this year brings, help me to see you in everything.”

No expectations. No set agenda. No giving God my list and asking him like a genie to grant it all. Nope. Just a heart asking the Lord to help me see him in each & everything that he has. That he’s planned. That’s he’s written for me.
Goals are great. But only if they are goals that align with what God wants for you, too🤍
Here’s to 2022🥂

One thought on “2022: Why I’m NOT a Resolution Maker..

  1. This is exactly what the Lord wants us to do! Give the reins of our life over to Him. Our prayer needs to be “ help me to hear Your still small voice and to obey.” Love you!


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